Gideon Lewis, Sr. (ca. 1730 - ca. 1801) of Ashe County, North Carolina.
So come on in and sit
a spell.
Look around at the Genealogy File and find your lineage.
I do not claim to be an expert on the Lewis Family of North Carolina. I do have a fairly large collection of them, though. I aim to have the most accurate data possible. The information here has come from years of research of myself and many others from a large variety of sources. But sometimes there can be discrepancies in the data. You might remember great-aunt Mary as a Jones, while your cousin Bob remembers great-aunt Mary as a Smith. If you should find discrepancies such as this, or other out-in-out blunders, please do not hesitate to send the correct information. It will be check against whatever primary sources are available. Remember, this is not MY project, but the combined effort of all Gideon Lewis descendents.
If your line is not complete, or just plain missing, then please send it in to me. My email address is:
The Facts Concerning Gideon Lewis
Ancestor Theories of Gideon Lewis
The Descendents of
Gideon Lewis.....Last Update: July, 22, 2001
Credits, Bibliography, and Sources....Recent Additions From: Howard L. Jones, Mike Lewis, & Paul Monnon